StringsLint update

less than 1 minute read

I’ve just released a new version of StringsLint. Nothing major is going on, just simple maintainance and small improvements.

Check your localized strings with StringsLint

less than 1 minute read

Your app keeps growing and growing. You add new features and screens and, at some point, other features and screens are removed. One thing that most of the t...

framer is now opensourced

less than 1 minute read

Today I finally complete the fastlane plugin called framer that allows us (Spreaker) to put all screenshots taken from the simulator into some nice and handm...

Automate All-The-Things with: Git Hooks

2 minute read

If you had the chance to work with some colleagues/friends on some projects, you already know that automate some boring tasks you have to do quite often is r...

fastlane vs iTC

5 minute read

DISCLAMER: this is a living post. It will be updated frequently to add and update the code below as soon as fastlane/deliver will update. The list of changes...

SPChart update

less than 1 minute read

Last week I spent some time on charts, using my SPChart. A couple of new features were necessary so I added them:

UIPageViewController has Alzheimer

less than 1 minute read

Since iOS 6, UIPageViewController has a bug in swipe mode that show the wrong page after setting programmaticaly new view controllers in it and swiping back.

iPhone app became Universal, by mistake

less than 1 minute read

To support to iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) bigger screens in Spreaker Radio app I prepared a LaunchScreen.xib file to let the splashscreen adapt to any screen size...


less than 1 minute read

Last week I worked on implementing a new statistics section of Spreaker iPhone app. Thanks to our graphic designer, the chart UI is beautiful to see and to i...