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To support to iPhone 6 (and 6 Plus) bigger screens in Spreaker Radio app I prepared a LaunchScreen.xib file to let the splashscreen adapt to any screen size. That when the problem starts appearing.

Despite the app being marked iPhone-only in the Info.plist, it runs at full size on iPads (only with iOS8) instead of in the little “classic” windowed mode that usually wraps iPhone-only apps when running on iPads.

It’s a known bug of iOS 8.0 (radar #18371031).

To fix that, in your Info.plist file, append ~iphone to the UILaunchStoryboardName key. Done that, the app starts behave the usual way.

http://www.robmaceachern.com/avoid-the-accidental-ipad-app-when-using-storyboard-launch-images/ http://www.marco.org/2014/09/17/overcast-accidentally-universal